About Me

Hi! I’m a senior-year undergraduate student studying computer engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science research. Specifically, I’m interested in combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, and graph algorithms.

Publications and Preprints*

Monotone Submodular Multiway Partition [arXiv]
Richard Bi, Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, and Soham Joshi
IPCO 2025

Graphs of maximum average degree less than \(\frac{11}{3}\) are flexibly 4-choosable [arXiv]
Richard Bi and Peter Bradshaw
in submission

Flexible list coloring of graphs with maximum average degree less than 3 [arXiv]
Richard Bi and Peter Bradshaw
in submission

Rainbow Connection for Complete Multipartite Graphs [arXiv]
Igor Araujo, Kareem Benaissa, Richard Bi, Sean English, Shengan Wu, and Pai Zheng
to appear in Involve, a Journal of Mathematics

Automatic Detection of Facial Landmarks for Denture Models [DATA 2022]
Ashwinee Mehta, Richard Bi, Sheba Moamen, Maged Abdelaal, and Nic Herndon
DATA 2022

(* author order is alphabetical unless otherwise stated)
(† indicates co-first author when author order is determined by contribution)

Selected Coursework

CS 574 - Randomized Algorithms, Grade: A

CS 473 - Algorithms, Grade: A

MATH 424 - Honors Real Analysis, Grade: A+

MATH 427 - Honors Abstract Algebra, Grade: A+

MATH 482 - Linear Programming, Grade: A+

MATH 413 - Intro to Combinatorics, Grade: A+